Decoilers/ Wire payoff

The Lathe Type CNC Spring Coiling Machines make producing springs very easy. The LTC range can produce Compression, Tension, Torsion, Variable Pitch Springs effectively 3/4 Axes Controlled Lathe Type Spring Coiling Machines are designed to produce springs with unmatched accuracy & repeatability. Build quality of machines can withstand heavy loads for many years. The software is easy to understand & operate with its' separate menus to set up Compression, Tension, Variable Pitch & Custom Springs. The Lathe Type Spring Coiling Machines can work directly from decoiler for continuous production or with straight rods.


Model DC 60

Model DC 60
Loading plate Diameter 600mm

Model DC 120

Model DC 120
Loading plate Diameter 800mm

Model DC 300

Model DC 300
Loading plate Diameter 1200mm

Model DC 500

Model DC 500
Loading plate Diameter 1600mm

Model DC 1000

Model DC 1000
Loading plate Diameter 2000mm